wotlk fury warrior rend macro. Introduction. wotlk fury warrior rend macro

 Introductionwotlk fury warrior rend macro  Warrior

Survive! Macro (Must be pressed twice) Charge /. September 1, 2022. I have some troubles making a macro to change stances. * Once in-game, open up GSE Options (type /gse then click options) * Under Plugins, select the GSE-Elfyau button. 4. 8. Contribute. - no Slam! buff active - more than 1. Return to board index. Here are the 1-5 keybinds for abilities I use routinely in combat. wondering if i can simplify some of my buttons. Here are the scripts for the macros in the video. The ability to make one button dps macros was broken when the client changed to the modern one. It will also only apply rend once on your target, instead of spamming it wasting rage. It is optimal to have the /startattack command on all of your abilities as a melee DPS character. Hello there, im gonna ask u about macro for Warrior fury in pve, i need macro for him to use Charge in Battle Stance and switching back. Arms. Fury Warriors were the top dog of Classic and among the strongest DPS specs in TBC — a trend which firmly continues in Wrath of the Lich King. One possible solution is to use the /equipslot command instead of the /equip command. Essentially, they allow you to cast abilities on other units without having to manually change your target. Become an unstoppable storm of destructive force, striking all nearby enemies for [5 * ((63% of Attack power)% + (50% of Attack power)%)] Physical damage over 4 sec. Download addon: 2. Use when WA pops up and press twice, 1. For example: /equipslot [mod:shift] 16 Heavy Copper Maul /equipslot [mod:shift] 17 Your Off-Hand Sword. This should equip the Heavy Copper Maul in your main hand slot. The execute along with the others wont work. * Once in-game, open up GSE Options (type /gse then click options) * Under Plugins, select the GSE-Elfyau button. rending as fury is bad, mmkay? Macro used to swap stance and cast rend, then back again. Mrutyunjay. Ex. $2. In short; Spam the button, does your optimal rotation for max dps. 3/3 Intensify Rage: Reduces all the your damaging cooldowns (ie deathwish, bloodrage and reck) by 33% so you pop them more often during the fight. 30:I'll log on to my warrior and try it to make sure. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3. WotLK. 7692 views. 16: 3690: June 1, 2023 ISellGoldlol-Pagle US Fury one button. If you wanna do even better, bind the above macro to another easy to use key, and replace rend with overpower. Your rotation is nearly completely set-in-stone, only varying based on your Bloodsurge procs, which give you instant Slam casts. The best way to get around this and still keep a charge is to try to reduce the cooldown on your intercept, this is easily done by investing in fury and there are plenty gear out there that do this as well. 2/2 Improved Rend: Ok yes rend is only usable in battle and Def but it’s a situational ability and you can get a dps boost out of it by stance dancing, which ill explain later on in the guide. You can always modify it to your preferences, of course, since this particular macro would limit (somewhat) the usability of Intervene. The sole reason I'm making a Warrior main in WotLK Classic. come hang w the kebab kings: the content:the character info panel. Arms as a result you can’t spam heroic strike as much because you don’t get the offhand hit to offset the rage cost. 6. 1 charge. and recklessness also gives 100% crit chance, plus the 3% from berserker stance plus the crit chance of your. That makes three indispensible macro types for any Warrior. /use 13. Welcome to Wowhead's Phase 4 Best in Slot Gear list for Fury Warrior DPS in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Macro used to swap stance and cast rend, then back again. 4. . I believe this is the rotation listed on fight club aswell but If im being honest I haven't checked in on. I just work the Macro in my rotation using my CD's as they are available. This is basically the same macro 20 times for each individual ability. Hi Guys, I need your help as I just do not know enough about WoW macros. . I believe this is the rotation listed on fight club aswell but If im being honest I haven't checked in on. This makes your gameplay a lot more fluid and reactive. Embed. Re: Every Macro You Need - Be the Best Warrior. Question about the rend macro for fury warriors. [Titan's Grip] - Bread and butter for Fury warriors in WoTLK. Allows you to instantly use your Whirlwind, without having to fumble with stances. Everything is pretty simple. 2. 66K views 3 months ago. 0: 1256: September 11, 2022 Arms Warrior Testing. Startattack Mortal Strike Macro; Instant Rend Macro; Spammable Slam Macro; AoE Burst Macro; Helpful. Comment by 117276 if you are being ganked by 4 mobs. However there are many bad macros that you shouldn't use. Sure if you're fury specced you will rarely if never unqueue an heroic strike but as arms you will need to unqueue if you predict a rage starvation. then activate this then use whirlwind, after that do a few cleaves and 1 more whirlwind before recklessness wears off. And while this up-to-date guide will get you started and quickly put you. Recklessness->battle stance->shout, berserker rage->shattering throw->heroic throw->charge and heroic leap (yes its possible to do both at the same time)-> colossus smash->defence stance->shield block->shield slam. It obviously cant cast rend. 12. the 1/3 means if you are in stance 1 or stance 3 then do xyz. Add a reply. Follow me live on Twitch: a shield is detected, it wont put your weapon swap on GCD attempting to requip the shield. Macros 10. October 6, 2023. 0. It's 100% FREE! Includes support for the latest WoW AddOns and Mods. Fury Warriors are A-tier for raids due to their logical bursts and, of course, their execution phase. If people really want the debuff (who really deals pure physical damage in Wotlk though?), bring a. For non-warriors, please de-select "Player Class" in the "Load" tab. On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Protection Warrior in World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10. so I. Fury Warrior in Tier list of DPS in the Wow: Dragonflight. -Polymorph -Cyclone if running with a druid. Wotlk arms pvp - first macro help make it better. You are immune to movement impairing and loss of control effects, but can use defensive abilities and avoid attacks. The most common Warrior/Mage/Healer setups are WMP (Warrior, Mage, Paladin), and WMD (Warrior, Mage, Druid). . WeakAura: #Showtooltip. The order of topics will be as follows: -Fury Warrior Intro -Spec -Gearing/BIS list -Gemming/ Enchants -Rotation . In this video I will show you how to "Rend Swap" more efficiently. Arms. Maybe some of them will help and give some ideas for ways to add some spice to your macros. 8. Edit: Nah, forgot there's a way to turn Heroic Strike into a toggle, which is an absolute godsend. In the top right, above Item Level, the furthest right tab is for the Equipment Manager. #showtooltip Heroic Strike /startattack /cast Heroic Strike /stopcasting. Some spells can only be used in certain stances as well, making it important for you to understand the general purpose each stance has. Welcome to Wowhead's Fury Warrior Arena PvP Guide, up to date for 9. 2) Macros are crucial to be successful in PvP. A Month. Hi, I am a level 68 protection/fury warrior (Duel Specced) and I am using Fury for PvE, Protection for dungeons. New feature - Added a 0. Also, you can add /startattack to pretty much anything so you start attacking even if you dont have rage to cast the ability. PvP Talents for Fury Warrior in Dragonflight. Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this guide as it should cover everything you should know regarding Fury Warrior! Be sure to subscribe to the. . Warrior WotLK Fury. The hit cap for a Fury warrior with 3 points in [Precision]is 5% (163. Revenge should only be used when you're tanking and you should. All macros you create are saved in Blizzard's server and are bound to your account or character, meaning you can access it from different computers and still retain all macros created. With the ability to dual wield Two Handed Weapons, Fury Warriors enjoy dealing high levels of damage through their powerful swings and high damaging crits. 0. 1. TimothyLuke's Prot Warrior Macros. For example: /equipslot [mod:shift] 16 Heavy Copper Maul /equipslot [mod:shift] 17 Your Off-Hand Sword. Xa : Class Aura - Self Defensives Xa : Class Aura - Attack Group For Swing timers: 1. Tips/Tricks >> IM STILL ADDING TO THIS GUIDE ITS A WORKING PROJECT << 32K subscribers in the wotlk community. Isellgoldlol December 14, 2022, 4:32pm 1. 2009-11-30, 02:51 AM #16. 2. The macro wont fall through to the next line if the first ability doesnt work. 2. EDIT: The above will always try to cast Overpower, and never cast rend. 0 WOTLK-WEAKAURA. No, and you shouldn't pvp in Fury. What are Macros?battle stance is 1, defensive is 2 and berserker is 3. I will copy the macro's below, after the time stamps. However, there are a few things to remember when gearing up your Warrior for PvP. Now, i want to add Shield Charge. This is a short but in depth guide to fury warrior macros in WOTLK classic. Could anyone help me with a macro that will Revenge if available or overpower if available I seem to find myself in dungeons switching between fury and DPS. WeakAuras Guide for Arms Warriors in WoW Dragonflight 10. This includes buffs, debuffs, cooldowns, Focus, other. Hold alt while spamming it and it will immediately equip a shield and 1-hander and shield bash to interrupt a cast and hamstring them. Warrior MACROS can anyone give me a list with working macros pls i tried everything yt videoa old topic from warmane forum nothing works April 1, 2022 . 1 (Vanilla-Classic-WoW) - GitHub - cubenicke/Fury: Fury addon, one button warrior for World of Warcraft 1. If you hold shift while spamming it, it will open with a charge and keep holding it for it to prio aoe over single target max dps. I have tried arms twice, protection twice, and now Im going to spec to fury after I get my Blackfury. This macro uses any off global cooldown racial abilities and any equipped trinkets alongside Colossus Smash. One possible solution is to use the /equipslot command instead of the /equip command. io Metafy Coaching. Database of sharable World of Warcraft addon elementsRe: Macros for fury. This is the most in-depth macro I’ve made yet - pretty proud of this one. This guide is copied from worldofwarcraftwarrior. Cheers. 0 Addons & UI UpdateArms Warrior PvP Guide (Unhinged/MS Crit) I cant remember if TBC we can use stance dance macros, for example starting in Bat stance, then a spell for example Spell reflect or Disarm, which will go into Def Stance via the macro… then back to Bat Stance, all with the same macro. When below 50 Rage You should get rid of HS, but still use bt/ww/slam proc asap. * This will save the set of macros to your account. 2. Oct 31st 2022 [WoW WotLK Classic 3. Infact I raided as fury the last few weeks and now I'm trying an arms spec and I'm still used to spam heroic strike when I get a decent amount of rage. Power Aura Imports (addons). Macros are a way of life in World of Warcraft. – Another Glyph argueably useful when one doesn’t want to rend and the whole fight is single target,. The primary focus of Warrior macros is stance dancing. #showtooltip /cast Heroic Throw /cast Charge (Rank 3) /cast Shield Block /rw charging %t. Enjoy an ad-free experience, unlock premium features, & support the site! A curated collection of the best Macros and Addons for your Arms Warrior. Talents in the Arms Tree: First of all, a lot of people skip 2/2 imp. and you can serouisly damage those 4 mobs. Rend (to proc overpower) Overpower Mortal Strike Execute Bladestorm Mostly im battlestance, but switch to/for: Fury for intercept (chasing mages f. Despite the nerfs i tried playing as protection first but later my guild leader wanted me to try fury back in 4. Fury Warriors have a simple priority rotation, but as with any class that uses rage or energy, managing your resources properly will be critical to performing well. 7 (Updated 12/09/23) Fury. /cast Execute. So, heres the macro. One-hand and Shield / Two-hand Swap Macro /equip Malistar's Defender. 1. Electrical-College-6 • 6 mo. Mouse over a unit/player and hit this macro to make it you focus. what it does is shattering 20% armor. or pull it off a healer. #showtooltip Rend. A World of Warcraft community for exchanging macros. Here are the scripts for the macros in the video. Stance dancing and Rend applying is a DPS increase if : - It doesnt delay you cycle BT WW BT - It doesnt make you waste a slam proc - It doesnt rage-starve you (unlikely to happen at high lvl of gear, with big white autoattacks), so you have to stop HSing Basically you should create a macro looking like this : /cast battle stance /cast rend. Welcome to Wowhead's Addons, Weakauras, and Macros Guide for Fury Warrior DPS in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Contribute. Gearing your Fury Warrior 9. Fury Warriors were the top dog of Classic and among the strongest DPS specs in TBC — a trend which firmly continues in Wrath of the Lich King. 1/1 Bloodthirst: Your main damaging instant ability in a single target fight. Protection Warriors do not require a whole lot of addons or macros, only having the need for a few essential tools that most classes and specializations will want. These are the things that I have learned so far in my years as warrior and hopefully it does at least a decent job to help you guys out. WagoFury Warrior Rotation in Wrath of the Lich King. Since Battle for Azeroth, players have the option to go into "War Mode," allowing them to participate in PvP combat with other players. more_vert. 3). Isellgoldlol December 14, 2022, 4:32pm 1. 5-second stun. . Hello all! I just got back after a very long break and am trying to play warrior! I was wondering if there's a macro with the following condition; IF and ONLY IF the warrior is in Defensive stance THEN change it to battle stance to cast ability. 419 views. If you raid, you have enough. It is also useful for generating insane rage when taking a lot of hits, this ability sees tremendous use in both pvp and pve. The problem with the shattering throw macro is that ST costs 25 rage, and if you change stances, unless you have 3/3 in the talent, you won't be able to use it right away, its easier in my estimation to not macro that one. help. Arms is a PVP spec. Charge Macro: /cast Charge. October 6, 2023. Everything stance specific is on the bar that changes, and i keep similar moves on similar buttons. Blood, Whirl, Slam (rend if no slam proc available and both blood and whirl is on cd). Warrior Fury. You dont need a macro. Macros 10. . Raging blow isnt in classic. 3. You may also need to update your WoW AddOn if you want to import your bags. Fury Warrior Questions. Changing stance over and over again for multiple purposes is called stance dance. /fury ability. The Fury Warrior Rotation. Addons & Macros. Battle Stance — Increases Armor Penetration by 10%. With this macro, it's obviously dumbed down to 1 button but you may also find yourself outdpsing fury warriors with it. 2. Classic. The WeakAura I use is included in the macro as well. * This will save the set of macros to your account. 1. 2. 1. ULTIMATE 1-BUTTON MACRO - Fury Warrior leveling in Wrath of the Lich King. All of our class guides are created by consulting with the best players in the world for each spec, giving you the edge over everyone else. Id say fury is the best for leveling and dps dealing, arms for pvp and its ok at everything. Warrior macros for only the most try-hard of Classic WoW players. One thing I’ve noticed is these top parsers are using heroic strike WAY more than I am. /cast Berserker stance. It will also only apply rend once on your target, instead of spamming it wasting rage. Comment by 182403 At late gear when 80 with the right talents this is the hardest hitting ability a warrior has not counting a execute finish. 0. As a warrior without TM i am doing fine, and its not a MUST imo. ULTIMATE 1-BUTTON MACRO - Fury Warrior leveling in Wrath of the Lich King. Account macros, as the name indicates, are shared. . Intervene Macro. It will also only apply rend once on your target, instead of spamming it wasting rage. A community for discussion of World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic!. As for macros, there's a lot you can use, and they won't magically give you a couple thousand more dps. Some of the most important macros in PvP are focus cast macros. And will be the case more-so in TBC when you get Intervene and Spell Reflect in Defensive Stance. Imported by Nescafe. Use Slam (Unlocked at level 30) if you have extra rage. However, one class that uses them more than the others is the Protection Warrior. Try It! Use WowMatrix to download and keep WoW AddOns up-to-date. Hello there, im gonna ask u about macro for Warrior fury in pve, i need macro for him to use Charge in Battle Stance and switching back automatically to Berserker Stance in 1 button, anyone can help? How to use GSE-Elfyau Macros* Install GSE. You can probably spam the macro because it won't go back to the charge until it successfully casts rend: Rotation for fury warriors. Warrior. I had* something similar to this for Reverse Harm on. Tips/Tricks. Blood and thunder is the best way to grief rogues. Or in the case of Minor Glyphs we got some nice cosmetic effects. insert slam procs to frees (small pauses in rotation after ww and second BT - second one is longer) 3. I'll log on to my warrior and try it to make sure. Therefore the warrior wouldn't change stances to cast the ability if it's in Berserker Stance or Battle Stance. Change the /cast to whatever you want. EDIT: The above will always try to cast Overpower, and never cast rend. Now, to save myself a button on my. 2. intercept,kick are my zerker stance ones. /cast Battle Stance /cast Rend /cast Berserker Stance but it only works if i do push it 2 times . WOTLK Blood Surge Proc v1. This macro allows you to Intervene your mouseover target ally, or Charge your current target if it is an enemy. if you want to use charge+victory rush for your opener right after execute and use berserker stance, i'm sure a macro like this would help save on down time: #showtooltip /cast Charge /cast Berserker Stance /cast Battle Stance it will either charge and switch to berserker before you gain the rage, or change to battle stance in preparation for. Wrath of the Lich King adds the first iteration of Heirloom equipment to the game. txt, change the icon name to the correct one. #showtooltip Rend /Cast Charge /Cast Rend #showtooltip Slam /Cast Intercept /Cast Slam -SOCIALS- *Twitch* /. Fury Warrior dps'ing is pretty much faceroll, but I see a lot of threads concerning itemizing / talents / professions / macros etc. For example: /equipslot [mod:shift] 16 Heavy Copper Maul /equipslot [mod:shift] 17 Your Off-Hand Sword. Strengths and Weaknesses 3. 90% of these macros can be summarized with "add /startattack to each of your abilities" and "add an automatic stance change to stance-specific abilities". 5s left on the cooldown of WW - no Rend active on the target - not in Execute phase Use the following spammable macro to automatize swapping to Battle Stance, using Rend and swapping. 5-second cast time, it can be used in the beginning of a fight to maximize your trinkets and offensive cooldowns or during mid-fight before your trinkets proc again. Cleave as well. LEGION’s FURY WARRIOR - WIP NEEDS TESTING - Patch 10. 2). Generally you start in Battle stance but after that is all situational. WotLK Warrior Talents and Glyphs. The /equipslot command allows you to specify which slot you want to equip an item in. Alliance Night Elf is the only race option for Alliance Druids. Headscutter @ Kirin Tor. 10% increase in World Quest rewards at maximum level. Gearing and Rotations 6. 0] 2 stars. For PVE you need 2 main macros, the Rend one and the Slam one (to stop casting Slam ). Date: June 18, 2022 Updated: July 10, 2022 Expansion: WotLK Classic Fury Warrior DPS Talents, Builds & Glyphs Stat Priority Best Races Gems, Enchants & Consumables. Even without the helm you still power shifted. janapp4. Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this guide as it should cover everything you should know regarding Fury Warrior! Be sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel and j. The closest you can get is: #showtooltip /cast Throw; Heroic Throw which will display and use Heroic Throw normally, and when you press Alt while pressing it, it will use Throw. Protection. 300 installs. If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our TBC Warrior addons and macros. This macro can be used to swap your shield with another item you want equipped in your off-hand (slot 17) and it will also swap your shield back on. #showtooltip Charge. GCD has nothing to do with it, it's all about latency in that area. rend. 3%). Heroic Fury is great for additional mobility for only 1 talent point, but has. Macros /equipslot 16 Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand (your mainhand) /equipslot 17 Cryptmaker (your offhand) Weapon Macro /equip Bloodvenom Blade (your mainhand here) /equip Icecrown Glacial Wall ( your shield here) /cast Defensive Stance /cast Shield Wall /cast Battle Stance. md","path":"Warrior/README. I'm using. 11-6 WOTLK. #showtooltip Rend /cast [stance:1]. The Best Macros For Protection Warriors. First poster actually gives the solution. It cannot be understated how much of an impact they can have on your gameplay — increasing your DPS or healing by a large percentage. I don't play warrior but it seems like the fury rotation is a. Rend Macro BIS Gear. Macro Heroic Strike to ur abilities, having a seperate button for HS makes 0 sense unless you want to cleave, and at that point just use a WW + Cleave macro. In PvP, however, Alliance is by far the superior faction for Ferals, as the Shadowmeld racial has been buffed substantially in WotLK to be usable while already in combat, effectively. If pug, WW -> BT -> Sunder until BT -> Sunder until WW -> BT -> Sunder again. Macrowise, fury doesnt need any macro for dps purposes. But first, a bit of an explanation about them. I'm doing Arms in beta right now and I use these macros for PvP in Ashran. [Fury] Bleedweaving (Rend Helper) person Beanna May 11, 2023 8:11 AM. You can probably spam the macro because it won't go back to the charge until it successfully casts rend:Rotation for fury warriors. Unlike in retail World of Warcraft, you will need to visit your class trainer in order to learn new spells as you level up. The games different now but the principles he taught are still valuable and if he’s got new fury vids, so much the better. * Once this is done select the macro you want and click the "create icon" button. : #showtooltip /cast [stance:2,3]Battle Stance; [stance:1,2]Berserker Stance;[mod:ctrl] Defensive Stance But isn’t working. 32K subscribers in the wotlk community. Everyone I talk to in-game says to follow this rotation and to use blood and whirl on cd, despite having a slam available. Not to necro it more, but that first macro is a bit of an eyesore, sorry. Click the green New Set button and equip your Fury set, then save this set and name it Fury. Only thing why I hate protection is the long fights, killing a mob takes about 4 times more time than with fury or arms. On this page, we will list some useful WeakAuras for Fury Warriors, as well as some that are recommended for DPS players in general. 3 sec check for your offhand swing coming right after a main hand swing, which may be too fast to requeue heroic (reaction time, latency, whatever). Here you can copy the text of the macros, replace the tering throw. You should never use hs in a cost of bt, ww or proc spam. Fojji - Warrior UI [WotLK] - Arms, Fury, Protection. My intent is to give you guys some macros that you can use and get feedback to improve writing the macros. All Available in the desciption. Just put the Bezerker stance ability from your spellbook on your bars, and put battle stance in the same spot when the bars change. If you want to be able to use them separately you need to add some kind of shift modifier to the macro, or put them on two buttons. switch to berserker stance. And if you don't have the micro management skills you would be better off focusing on being aware of other things going on in combat than applying extra rends. This results in more rage than what we will probably see for fury at low crit levels in Naxx. In outland, I found fury/arms both to be very very rough as undergeared leveling warrior. Warrior. This allows you to charge/hamstring and pummel casters right away. This would free up 3 spaces on your bars. Talents Basic Fury Warrior PvEFury Warrior 101 1. Comment by Brinas Bloodthirst =7. Links. Fury War is braindead simple: 1). 95 rating). If you use this with Sudden Death, another target in Range will suffer the same amount of Damage. Power Aura Imports (addons) 11. Macros that will help you do more DPS as a Warrior in WOTLK, but they can also be used for some other classes as well. CAN'T EAT VIEWS BABY, SO CLICK THAT SUB BUTTON! 0:00 Intro1:30 Talents12:55 Glyphs14:30 Rotation20:05 Gear & Tips34:00 Logs MY WEAKAURAS BY POPULAR DEMAND:go. . Fury Warrior PVE Guide 3. In this video I will show you how to "Rend Swap" more efficiently. 5% healing every 6 seconds as long as you're hitting. World of Warcraft. example) If im in fury stance i might throw out a whirlwind if theres clothies Defensive for disarm (useful against rogues and bladestorming warriors as it stops bladestorm)Protection Warrior Tank Macros and Addons — Dragonflight 10. One example would be a general mobility macro like: #showtooltip /cast [mod:alt] Victory Rush; [mod:shift] Heroic Leap; [@mouseover,help] Intervene; Charge. A simple proc tracker for Warrior's Bloodsurge talent. Generally the priority for single target is: Rend > MS > OP > Execute > BS. Addons. Abilities such as Bloodthirst and Bloodsurge make Fury a powerhouse of strong single target and cleave DPS in raids, especially as they gain more powerful gear towards the later half of the expansion. What to Expect in This Guide. 22 WOTLK-WEAKAURA. As for macros, there's a lot you can use, and they won't magically give you a couple thousand more dps. Stance dancing is a essential part to playing a Warrior, PVE or PVP. 5 by Inform/Rabbit Hello, I am Inform of Ragnaros in <Chance of Rein>. This should equip the Heavy Copper Maul in your main hand slot. That's a neat solution to marking. From zerker stance perspective It doesn't work on 1 click because rend is only usable in Battle and Defensive stance. Some of the most important macros in PvP are focus cast macros. A good Protection Warrior will manage to use this ability constantly! Charge is your main initiation tool! It allows you rapidly reach your target while also providing a 1. Only at high levels of gear you should stance dance to apply rend, and only at some moments. We’ll be using the Arms talent specialization for this warrior leveling guide. 1687. Fury and Protection are both viable options, but Arms has the best combination of damage and survivability for leveling. 2! In this section of the guide, we will cover every useful macro for Fury Warriors in PvP, including focus macros. In addition your Rend and Deep Wounds abilities also increase all physical damage caused to that target by 4%. This macro will cast Throw when a thrown weapon is equipped or Shoot when a bow, crossbow or gun is equipped. Gearing your Fury Warrior 9. Bloodsurge v1. Professions 3. In this page, you can learn what the best Tank Warrior Macros are and what they can be used for. #showtooltip Colossus Smash. Fury Rend v1. Go into keybind settings and scroll down to the section that says "special action" and the three stances are 1, 2, and 3. ago.